Saturday, December 26, 2009

Little Tike free to a good home!

This blog is moving... same blog just new address...
Please click on the link to be taken to the new blog
and don't forget to update your bookmark
all new posts will be on this new blog!

Tike will be in the next issue of Australian Bear Creations
I thought it would be a nice idea to offer Tike as a welcoming gift.
All you need to do is follow my new blog
either through the "followers" or "networked blog" buttons on the right

Hope to see you there!


Julia said...

Precioso, encantador... felicidades.
Un abrazo desde España

debijackson said...

I'm following. love to win.

debijackson said...

what a cute bear---I'm following

debijackson said...

Following this blog publicly

Art4U said...

Sweet bear!
Happy New year
x Julie x